Research Products

Research Products Commercial Filters

Research Products Corporation is the maker of Paint Arrestors®. For over 60 years they’ve been committed to producing quality products in every line of products they offer.

Their commitment includes ongoing programs of testing, engineering, research, product refinement, and practical experience. As a leader in the HVAC industry, they are able to work closely with industry associations like ARI and ASHRAE. These affiliations allow them to remain on top of industry standards and testing procedures.

3000 Series Standard
  • Made of Slit and Expanded Kraft Paper.
  • Depth loading provides longer service life.
  • Biodegradable.
  • Efficiency is 96.5 to 97.5% on High Solids Bake Enamels.

3100 Series Hi-Capacity
  • Made of Slit and Expanded Kraft Paper.
  • Similar to 3000, but holds twice as much overspray.
  • Longer service life gives you less down time to change out filters, fewer change outs to reduce labor costs, and reduces disposal costs.
  • Biodegradable
  • Efficiency is 94.0 to 96.0% on High Solids Bake Enamels.

3200 Series Spra-Gard High Efficiency
  • Made of Slit and Expanded Kraft Paper and 1 layer of “light” polyester.
  • Similar to 3000, with an added layer of “light” polyester to increase efficiency.
  • Efficiency is 98.5 to 99.5% on High Solids Bake Enamels.
  • Increased efficiency provides less booth and stack cleaning as well as less coating particulate introduced into the environment.

3300 Series Spra-Gard High Efficiency
  • Made of Slit and Expanded Kraft Paper and 1 layer of “heavy” polyester.
  • Similar to 3000, with an added layer of a “heavy” polyester to provide maximum efficiency.
  • Maximum Efficiency of 99.5 to 99.9% on High Solids Bake Enamels.
  • Maximum efficiency provides significantly less booth and stack cleaning as well as less coating particulate introduced into the environment.

3400 Series Spra-Gard High Capacity/High Efficiency
  • Made of Slit and Expanded Kraft Paper and 1 layer of “heavy” polyester.
  • Has all the features of 3300, plus a longer service life, due to High Capacity Paper.
  • Saves you money by reducing downtime, reduces labor for change out, significantly reduces stack and booth maintenance, and reduces disposal costs.
  • Maximum efficiency of 99.5 to 99.9% on High Solids Bake Enamels.

3500 Series Three Layer Pre-Filter
  • Made of three layers of paper to extend the life of Post Filter.
  • Typically will double the life of the Post Filter.
  • Biodegradable.

3600 Series Spra-Gard High Capacity/High Efficiency
  • 7 layers of paper and 1 layer of light polyester.
  • Has all the features of 3200, plus a longer service life, due to the High Capacity Paper.
  • Saves you money by reducing downtime, reduces labor for change out, reduces stack and booth maintenance and reduces disposal costs.
  • Efficiency is 98.5 to 99.5% on High Solids Bake Enamels.

Paint Arrestors® Series
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